Special Places in the Sett Word Scramble

By Kath Snape

I have some more fun for you to play with over the summer. Here are 10 Scrambled Places found around the Hufflepuff SETT.

How good are you at rearranging the letters to make those special places appear?

  1. fba seekbhg ohlordet
  2. mgmsosntta pp feaelh usetr fde nafodr
  3. inieon trteoafulhf
  4. lhi fhtukh etencfe
  5. esh iideretf
  6. bdo hutreo orbmpac
  7. yahe re eehy ar
  8. har htdyi rtdntbia aecg
  9. sfoiner rchufe
  10. tmnu eoae o icnp